心理学先锋认证(Psychology Pioneer Certification)
心理导师荣誉学位(Honorary Degree in Psychological Mentorship)
心灵成长之路(Path to Spiritual Growth)
情智启迪计划(Intelligence and Emotion Training Program)
心理健康专家认证(Certified Mental Health Specialist)
情感智慧研究所(Institute of Emotional Intelligence)
生命觉醒之路(Journey to Life Awakening)
心灵疗愈之光(Light of Healing for the Soul)
精神健康导师认证(Certified Mental Health Coach)
心灵成长学院(Institute of Spiritual Growth)
情绪智慧大师课程(Masterclass in Emotional Intelligence)
心灵导航者认证(Certified Journey Guide)
情感智慧与生活教练认证(Certified Emotional Intelligence and Life Coach)
心理健康守护者联盟(Alliance of Mental Health Guardians)
心灵净化与成长计划(Cleansing and Growth Program for the Soul)